Cage-free housing

Natural behaviour leads to greater yields

Birds thrive in environments that allow natural behaviours. Welfare in cage-free systems varies widely and must be addressed through management practices, genetic selection, further research, and the appropriate design and maintenance of housing environments.

Guidelines for cage-free
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Benefits for both animal and farmer

Increase animal welfare with the right bird management, reducing costs and increasing profitability.

Bird management: happy birds perform better

Ruth Harrison, a British animal welfare activist and author, published Animal Machines in 1964, highlighting the conditions of intensive poultry and livestock farming. In response, the UK government established a research commission led by Professor Roger Brambell to investigate the welfare of intensively farmed animals. This led to the formulation of Brambell’s Five Freedoms, which outline essential animal welfare needs:

  • Freedom from hunger and thirst: Access to fresh water and a diet to maintain health and vigor.
  • Freedom from discomfort: Providing an appropriate environment, including shelter and a comfortable resting area.
  • Freedom from pain, injury, or disease: Prevention or rapid diagnosis and treatment.
  • Freedom to express normal behavior: Sufficient space, proper facilities, and the company of the animal’s own kind.
  • Freedom from fear and distress: Ensuring conditions and treatment that avoid mental suffering.

Following this, the Farm Animal Welfare Advisory Committee was established to monitor the livestock production sector and promote these Five Freedoms among veterinarians and animal welfare organizations.

Keen to learn more about this subject?
Bas Liebregts

Product Manager

Contact Bas


Stimulating natural behaviour during rearing

It might seem challenging to teach hens to jump, fly, perch, or lay eggs in a nest. However, these are natural behaviours for birds, as seen in the ancestors of domestic hens. A successfully reared chick will easily navigate through an aviary poultry house.

Discover all solutions for rearing
VMG_Bolegg Starter_de Bresser (Small)
Training of laying hens: most important criteria
Read the story of Carly de Bresser
Solution detail cage-free (2)

Aviary & nest systems

Mimicking a natural environment

In an aviary system, birds can move freely and express their natural behaviours more effectively, enhancing their welfare. They can scratch and dust bathe in the litter area, sleep on perches, lay eggs in safe, dark nests, and eat and drink within the system. Allowing birds to explore their natural behaviours minimizes stress-related issues like feather pecking.

Cage-free housing solutions
Cage-free booklet Vencomatic Group
Learn about the transition to cage-free
Download cage-free booklet
Solution detail cage-free (3)

Manure handling

Manure is inevitable in a poultry house

There are many ways to handle manure in aviary and nest houses. We believe in maximizing efficiency for both the chickens and the farmer.

Explore our manure handling solutions
Solution detail cage-free (4)

Complimentary products

Complete the poultry house

To further optimize natural behaviour in aviary and nest systems, it’s crucial to consider feeding and drinking systems, as well as perches. Perfectly matching a hen’s needs will help her feel at ease, allowing her to focus on what she does best: laying eggs.

Discover system enhancements

Cage-free housing layers

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Title Date system
Bolegg Starter

Rearing in the Bolegg Starter results in a uniform and healthy flock.

  • Layers
  • Birds learn to 3D navigate inside the system
  • Easy access to feed
BoleggStarter Rearing
Jump Start

This unique porch system, with feed and drink lines and hinge able platforms, train the birds from day one.

  • Layers
  • Good visual overview
  • Quick and easy cleaning
JumpStart Rearing

An easy-to-use system, configured in rows, allows full control over the birds.

  • Layers
  • Easy inspection, vaccination and catching
  • Excellent visual access
Unistart Rearing
Bolegg Terrace

A compact and open aviary system, where vertical bird movement is stimulated by the tree-structure. 

  • Layers
  • Automatic egg collection
  • Pleasant working environment 
BoleggTerrace Eggproduction
Bolegg Gallery

This aviary system offers comfort to both the bird and poultry manager.

  • Layers
  • Durable materials 
  • Unrestricted animal movement 
BoleggGallery Eggproduction

Resting, Eating, Drinking and Laying; this aviary system integrates these basic needs.

  • Layers
  • Easy access on all sides and levels
  • Full freedom for birds
REDL Eggproduction
Vencomatic Nest

This nest design gives a high nest acceptation, low number of floor eggs, and maintain first grade eggs.

  • Layers
  • Built to last framework
  • Includes a tipping floor
VencomaticNest Eggproduction
Perching systems

Mushroom shaped perches which are the most comfortable for chickens. 

  • Layers and breeders
  • Optimal perch shape for birds
  • Ribbed top surface for extra grip
Perchingsystems Systemenhancements
Manure conveyors

Efficiently transport manure from poultry houses to storage sheds, containers or further processing.

  • Layers and breeders
  • Increasing labour efficiency 
  • Providing a hygienic environment
Manureconveyors Manurehandling

A very effective and simple way to feed the birds automatically designed for any bird type.

  • Layers and breeders
  • High quality feed chain
  • Different hopper sizes and wear resistant components 
Vencotrough Systemenhancements
Vencopan for males

Designed for simultaneously eating, it ensures uniform bird body weight control.

  • Breeders
  • Fast feed delivery and equal feed intake
  • No feed left in tubes after eating
Vencopanformales Systemenhancements

Effective feeding of broilers, the Vencopan has a low edge design for an easy entrance.

  • Broilers
  • High feed conveying capacity
  • Proven concept and technique
Vencopan Systemenhancements
Vencomatic House Lighting

Minimizes chances of floor eggs, reduces labour and is an energy-efficient solution.

  • Layers and breeders
  • Customized light plans for each poultry house
  • Pre-defined light points
VencomaticHouseLighting Systemenhancements
Veranda Breeder

Creating an optimal environment for the birds and providing efficient hatching egg production.

  • Breeders
  • High level of automation
  • Manure drying and removal 
VerandaBreeder Poultryproduction
Van Gent Nest

The world’s number one community nest designed for modern broiler breeders.

  • Breeders
  • Wooden nest for high nest acceptance
  • Automatic expulsion system
VanGentNest Poultryproduction
Vencomatic Nest Condor

This nest is solid and strong and designed for hot, severe climate conditions.

  • Breeders
  • Winchable nest for easy bird training and cleaning
  • Automatic egg collection
VencomaticNestCondor Poultryproduction
Van Gent Slat

Providing a safe and comfortable place for resting, the slat also ensures clean feet before entering the nest.

  • Breeders
  • Natural material and comfortable design
  • Designed for natural bird behaviour
VanGentSlat Systemenhancements

This slat is strong and stable, and has many applications for all kinds of poultry.

  • Layers and breeders
  • Good manure transfer
  • Animal friendly design
Vencoslat Systemenhancements
Turkey Nest

Improving the egg quality, compared to manual nest boxes, which results in higher hatchability.

  • Breeders
  • Designed for heavy and medium turkeys
  • Self-closing nest and automatic egg collection
TurkeyNest Poultryproduction
Duck Nest

While needing less manpower, the egg quality improves, and the operational costs will be reduced.

  • Breeders
  • Automatic egg collection
  • Clean and hygienic eggs
DuckNest Poultryproduction
Perch frames

A and H frames: designed for an optimal perch space and feed space ratio. 

  • Layers
  • Open design 
  • Optimal perch-through ratio  
Perchframes Systemenhancements
Intermediate floor

The solution to create additional floor levels. 

  • Layers 
  • Complete self-supporting floor 
  • Robust and safe solution 
Intermediatefloor Systemenhancements

Automatic feather removal: a real game-changer for the egg industry. 

  • Layers and breeders
  • Fully automated process
  • Reducing manual labour
Ovoclear Systemenhancements

Stories from the field

The best insights into how cage-free housing systems work come from the farmers who use our systems daily.

Entrada Larrabe

Avícola Larrabe opts for Bolegg Gallery system

In 2016 they took advantage of the growing trend towards cage-free systems. They opted for the 3-tier Bolegg Gallery because of the features and advantages it offered. They were pleased with the performance of the system and the results were better than expected.

“An aviary is not the same as cages. You should always choose an aviary that already has some previous experience. In other words, it has to be a well tested system.”

Kepa Larrabe

Second generation Avícola Larrabe