Q-Perch-(10) Q-Perch-(11) Q-Perch-(9) Q-Perch-(12) Bolegg-Terrace-(21)-Vencoperch
Q-Perch-(10) Q-Perch-(11) Q-Perch-(9) Q-Perch-(12) Bolegg-Terrace-(21)-Vencoperch


Besides the standard round perches, which allow us to easily create more perch space, we also offer the mushroom-shaped perch. The mushroom shape of these perches is the most comfortable for chickens, as it offers stability and grip. The ribbed structure on top of the perch provides grip when birds move over the perch. At night, the birds have a more comfortable rest by not wiggling.

Mushroom shape


The Vencoperch has a mushroom shape offering the birds a lot of benefits ensuring a comfortable rest. The Vencoperch offers stability and facilitates a safe landing. The Vencoperch can be integrated in our aviary systems and perch frames. The Vencoperch is beneficial for animal health and welfare, which in turn benefits the farmer as the chickens perform better.


The Q-Perch has the same shape and benefits as the Vencoperch with an additional mechanic solution that controls Poultry Red Mite. The Q-Perch is a perch containing two barriers, that kill red mite on their journey towards the chicken. There is a small electrical current running through the barriers with which the chickens cannot come into contact but is lethal for red mite. The principle is based on the natural behaviour of the birds, sleeping at perches at night, and the natural behaviour of red mites which search for their prey at night.

Keen to learn more about this product?
Bas Liebregts

Product Manager

Contact Bas

Key features

  • Optimal perch shape for the birds
  • Ribbed top surface for extra grip 

Vencomatic Group -  key features



Video Q-Perch
Q-Perch Vencomatic Group - André

From practice: Q-Perch with live wire effective against red mite

José van Gog of Devo Ei and André Smid of Eierboerderij Smid share their experiences with the Q-Perch.

"In these houses, we have not encountered any red mite since the installation of the Q-Perch. We no longer treat against anything, even when empty."

André Smid

Layer farm Eiboerderij Smid

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