Perch-Frame-A-(4) Perch-Frame-A-(5) Perch-Frame-A-(2) Perch-Frame-H-(1) Perch-Frame-H-(3)
Perch-Frame-A-(4) Perch-Frame-A-(5) Perch-Frame-A-(2) Perch-Frame-H-(1) Perch-Frame-H-(3)

Perch frames

Perch frames are designed for an optimal perch space and feed space ratio. In this way, perch frames are flexible in different barn configurations while complying with regulations. The perch frames are robust and made of durable materials.

A and H frames

The perch frames are available in different configurations. Frames in A- or H-shape for a standard solution for any house. In addition, the frames can be winched in combination with a tube winch system or taken out manually.  

Keen to learn more about this product?
Bas Liebregts

Product Manager

Contact Bas

Key features

  • Compact solution
  • Optimal perch-through ratio
  • Open design 

Vencomatic Group -  key features
