Vencopan-Broiler-(5) Vencopan-Broiler-(1) Vencopan-Broiler-(2)
Vencopan-Broiler-(5) Vencopan-Broiler-(1) Vencopan-Broiler-(2)

Vencopan broilers

Designed for effective feeding of broilers, the Vencopan has a low edge design for an easy entrance. With an adjustable feed level, robust and low maintenance it is simple in management.

Effective feeding

By lowering the pan on the floor, the feed level in the pan is increased. Therefore, the chicks can easily access the feed. The Vencopan for broilers has a high feed transport capacity for accurate feeding, also for long houses (because of the 48mm tube and auger). It has a high and low feed drop position and adjustable levels in five positions. The Vencopan is winchable manually or automatic. You can choose between a swing or anti-swing connection, as well as anti-perching wire above the feed tube.

The pans are easy to clean with the optional double rotation system. In order to prevent feed spillage, the feed level is adjustable to a minimum.  

Keen to learn more about this product?
Freek Leijten

Product Manager

Contact Freek

Key features

  • High feed conveying capacity; fast feed distribution in longer houses
  • Adjustable feed level; easy access for the birds and minimal feed spillage
  • Open structure and design; easy to clean
  • Proven concept and technique; robust and low maintenance 

Vencomatic Group -  key features
