Egg intake automation
Egg packers

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Egg intake automation products for hatchery.

Egg intake automation

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Save time and labour with automated tray loading in a hatchery or setting line.

  • Hatchery 
  • Gentle egg handling
  • Seamless de-stacking process
DeStacker Eggpackers
System Loader

Effortless transferring eggs from transport or setter trays to a hatchery intake line.

  • Hatchery 
  • Increased speed and efficiency 
  • Flexible for different tray types
SystemLoader Eggpackers
Empty tray stacker

Streamline labour with an automated removal of empty trays, for both plastic and paper 30-cell trays.

  • Hatchery
  • Minimizes manual labour 
  • Easily programming 
Emptytraystacker Eggpackers

Effectively identifying cracks and external eggshell defects.

  • Hatchery 
  • Consistent egg inspection
  • Enhance hatching egg and chick quality
Candling Eggpackers

Perfect for the daily work: reduces labour and increases job satisfaction.

  • Hatchery 
  • Fully automated
  • Flexible in tray types
PSPC7HV Eggpackers
Tray to tray transfer

Effortlessly transition from setter trays to transport trays or vice versa with the fully automated system.

  • Hatchery
  • Gentle egg handling
  • Versatile design 
Traytotraytransfer Eggpackers

How it looks in practice

Our Egg Way

From the very first moment an egg is laid until it reaches its final destination, it travels a long and tough journey. We understand this journey every step of the way and work towards the best solutions across the 'Egg Way'. 


Poultry housing equipment: our Vencomatic and Van Gent ranges provide safe, comfortable, and stimulating environments for poultry to live and thrive in. Egg collection and handling equipment: with Prinzen, we streamline the egg collection process, ensuring that each egg is treated with the care it deserves, from nest to packing.
Climate solutions: through Agro Supply we offer climate control solutions designed to create the optimal indoor conditions for poultry, fostering healthy growth and production.
Precision farming with Meggsius:
these cutting-edge solutions combine data and poultry farming to the next level. Moving into predictive precision farming, maximizing the potential of every bird, every flock, and every farm.