Candling (2)


Effectively identifying cracks and external eggshell defects to enhance hatchability rates and improving chick uniformity and quality.

Perfect egg inspection

When eggs are placed horizontally on the egg rollers, they can be thoroughly inspected for any misshapes, cracks, or defects. The rotating rollers allow for a 360-degree view of each egg, making it easier to identify and remove poor quality eggs. The Candling unit underneath the rollers provides additional lighting to enhance the manual inspection process for cracks. The light is directed straight to the eggs, minimizing any distractions for the operator. A curtain surrounding the candling booth helps to limit the impact of natural daylight on the inspection process.

Keen to learn more about this product?
Arjan Vervoort

Product Manager

Contact Arjan

Key features

  • Consistent egg inspection with a 360-degree view of each egg
  • Enhance hatching egg and chick quality
  • Eliminate the influence of natural daylight on the inspection process

Vencomatic Group -  key features

Candling (1)