Canada - Jocelyn le Blanc has been involved in the poultry business since 1992. Currently, he operates a family business alongside his wife and children, raising breeders and turkeys. The farm is putting more green values and is getting more sustainable for the future. The climate in the pullet and the breeder house is regulated by the ECO Zero. The climate within the pullet and breeder house is managed by the ECO Zero system, which ensures a comfortable indoor environment that enhances the quality of life for the pullets.
Jocelyn Le Blanc: "In the barn I've organized three sections, one for the males and two for the females. Four times during the flock, I split the small and big pullets. Because it is important to unstress the birds. With the ECO Zero system, condensation remains on the unit, and the air it introduces into the barn is excellent. The levels of CO² are very low inside, and there is no ammonia, which is beneficial for the breeders. The feeling is good, it is not a standard barn. I don't use fans or inlets that crosses the air and the humidity is not the same there. All the air circulates through the ECO Zero ensuring good uniformity and minimizing stress, because they heat each day."
Van Gent Nest
The barn is equipped with the Van Gent Nest. This wooden nest is solid and simple and delivers excellent results: low number of floor eggs and high number of high-quality hatching eggs.
Jocelyn Le Blanc: “The nest is good due to its the wooden construction. It is very easy for the breeders to access the nest because the feed line is elevated. I can walk along the water line and check the nest daily. There are zero floor eggs, which makes me very happy; the results are good. There are no cracks on the eggs, fertility is high, and the quality of the eggs is exceptional. I think this set up is for the future!"