
Hall 1, booth 1910
Daily from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Fresh innovations combined with trusted and proven solutions

The key formula to enhance your yield! Empowering autonomous farming and precision poultry management simplifies your life and gives you additional time to focus on bird management.



These days you can...

  • Discover and understand the full Egg Way (for example of breeders);
  • Learn more about the Van Gent Nest - worlds #1 wooden nest;
  • Find out how you can trasition to cage-free housing; 
  • Learn more about our cage-free aviary Bolegg Gallery system;
  • Explore how data can improve your daily workload, for example with Meggsius Select.

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Get inspired by our experts

2025 VIV Asia_Speakers Vencomatic Group (2)

Free registration seminars:
Seminar 'The modern breeder house from the birds' perspective'
Seminar 'How smart AI technology can help the poultry farmer already today!'


How new data-driven technologies help

Delivering high quality eggs, makes or breaks the success of a poultry farm. Nowadays, data collection and improving efficiency based on the insights derived from this data have become undeniably part of every industry. Enhancing efficiencies can help the industry to reach the maximum genetic potential out of every bird, every flock, and every farm.

Klantverhaal Vencomatic Group - Slenders (3)

Collecting eggs with Meggsius saves a lot of labour

After keeping broiler parent stock for many years, the Slenders family switched to layer stock. After this switch, it was time for a renovation in 2021 and they opted for the Bolegg Terrace aviary. "With the large number of hatching eggs to be collected, we invested in latest technology from the Meggsius family. I am still amazed every day how well the fully automatic egg packing works. Just great," says Stan Slenders.

Stan's experience