Moldova - At the end of 2024, PB Nord opened their new equipped layer farm in Edineţ, Moldova. The project included a new rearing and layer house with the Jump Start system, Bolegg Gallery and Prinzen packing machines with the Meggsius Count. PB Nord is the first aviary layer farm in Moldova marking a significant first step toward a cage-free transition. Recent years Moldova starts actively exporting eggs to European Union and starts implementing European technologies in poultry sector.
George, co-founder of PB Nord, explains: “Our farm has 100,000 layers, 50% is free range. In 2023, our country received authorization to export to the European Union. This market demands free-range eggs, which is why we are beginning to upgrade our farm and choose for new equipment”
Reduce labor
Hens reared in the Jump Start system have had excellent training and find their way in the aviary house equipped with the Bolegg Gallery. The egg handling solutions have significantly improved efficiency, reduced labor requirements, and consequently aligned with EU standards. PB Nord choose for the Prinzen 70 packers which provide optimal overview of the entire packing process and combine careful handling with speed, making collecting table eggs quick and easy.
George: “The experience with the Bolegg Gallery system has been very positive. Although it is all new for us, we don’t have any floor eggs. The rearing is very well in the Jump Start, and laying hens easily find their way in the aviary system The Prinzen machine has significantly contributed to our egg quality; we have multiple packers that assist us in identifying leaking eggs, broken eggs, and any bloodlines present inside the eggs. Additionally, we also weigh the eggs.”
PB Nord is very satisfied with its collaboration with Vencomatic Group and intends to expand in the coming years by converting cage houses into aviary houses.