
Specialists overview

Need a hand? We've got your back! Our specialists are dedicated to find the perfect solution for you and guide you through your journey.

VCMG Golden Circle - chicken leftWe are your partner in poultry housing equipment, egg handling and climate control. Together with our local branches, partners and specialists we offer solutions for any type of poultry house. Whether you're focused on layers, breeders, broilers or hatchery; we’ll help you move forward.

The future is now: that is why we developed our Meggsius solutions which power precision farming. Maximising the potential out of every bird and every flock on every farm.


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Kevin Howse

Sales Manager UK

+447787505689 LinkedIn
Ben McGill

Sales Manager UK

+447341561205 LinkedIn
Tony Grainger

Sales Manager UK

+447729082313 LinkedIn
Will Nixon

Sales Manager UK

+447802 420144 LinkedIn