Layer breeders

Give your chickens a safe home

For successful hatching egg production it is essential to create the conditions that allows the hens' desire to breed.

Solution detail poultry housing - layer breeders

Poultry housing

Understanding a chicken's needs is essential

A hen naturally seeks to breed and will look for a safe, clean, and sheltered place to lay her eggs to increase her chances of successful offspring. She will exhibit this same behaviour in a breeder house, so providing her with the best nest available is essential for success.

All about poultry housing
Solution detail egg handling - layer breeders

Egg handling

A safe travel for your eggs

From the first moment an egg is laid until it reaches its final destination, a commercially produced egg travels a long and tough journey. Ensure the hen’s hard work doesn’t go to waste! Use the right equipment to safeguard the eggs throughout their journey.

Egg handling solutions
Gregg Smart Eggs (3)
Reduce eggshell damage
Discover the Gregg Smart Eggs
Text and image solution pages (5)

Climate & emission

Good air quality is vital

Chickens are sensitive creatures that can quickly develop respiratory issues when exposed to poor air quality. An optimal environment and good ventilated space is crucial for the airway and lungs of the chickens. Reduce the mortality rate in your flock and ensure an optimal egg production.

More about climate and emission
Solution pillar layer breeders - Precision poultry farming

Precision poultry farming

New data-driven technologies can help you

Delivering high-quality eggs makes or breaks the success of a poultry farm. In today’s world, automation and data collection, combined with Artificial Intelligence, enable smart decision-making across nearly every industry. We believe that with our Meggsius solutions, you can unlock the genetic potential of every bird and every flock.

More about precision poultry farming
Meggsius (3)
Simply explained
Watch the video
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Animal welfare

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Operational excellence


Farm of the future

Our promise

Always develop solutions based on a thorough understanding of the bird, her well-being, and her precious eggs.

Gather insights from poultry farmers worldwide to closely align with their requirements for running a profitable business effectively.

Craft the future based on data, helping our customers unlock the genetic potential of every bird, every flock.

Get to know us