Ducks & turkeys

The best living and working conditions

Ducks and turkeys are types of poultry with unique needs that require special attention. Understanding and addressing these needs is crucial for their well-being and productivity.

Solution detail poultry housing - ducks


An attractive place to lay eggs

Ducks have distinct and natural needs that must be met to ensure their successful performance.

  • Ducks need regular access to clean water for drinking and bathing, helping to maintain their plumage and overall health.
  • Their diet should be rich in proteins and vitamins, to support their growth and egg production.
  • Ducks require a safe and dry shelter to allow them to feel comfortable when laying their eggs. 
Discover the Duck Nest
Roll Away Nesting System 1_Silverhill
Proving its worth
Read the customer story
Solution detail poultry housing - turkey


A peaceful environment of its own

By focusing on the following aspects, you can create a peaceful and efficient environment that meets the unique needs of both heavy and medium-sized turkeys, ensuring their well-being and productivity.

  • The nests must be constructed from strong materials that can endure the weight and force of heavy turkeys.
  • Providing ample space for each turkey to lay eggs comfortably without feeling cramped.
  • Maintaining cleanliness in the nesting areas to prevent the spread of diseases and ensure the health of the birds.
Learn more about the Turkey Nest
How the Turkey Nest works in practice
Watch video
Solution detail climate - ECO Unit

ECO Units

The perfect minimum ventilation solution

A better indoor climate results in improved litter quality and significant energy savings; this can be achieved with ECO Units. These heat exchangers heat up fresh air from outside with warm air taken from inside the duck or turkey house.

More about ECO Units
Solution egg handling broiler breeders (1)

Egg handling

Safe egg treatment

Unique plastic carriers ensure a safe and efficient egg flow. With an integration of only one drive chain, flexibility in every egg room is possible. On top of that, different drive units makes it suitable for every system length and farm configuration.

Discover the Vencobelt
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Animal welfare

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Operational excellence


Farm of the future

Our promise

Always develop solutions based on a thorough understanding of the bird, her well-being, and her precious eggs.

Gather insights from poultry farmers worldwide to closely align with their requirements for running a profitable business effectively.

Craft the future based on data, helping our customers unlock the genetic potential of every bird, every flock.

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