A strategic partnership for the Norwegian poultry market
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On-farm hatching
Effective feeding of broilers
All egg packers
Automatic egg selection
Nest and aviary systems
Nest and aviary systems
Rearing systems
Various system enhancements
Solutions for manure handling
Simple, compact and flexible egg collection
Gentle egg handling and packing
Data driven egg collection
All minimum ventilation climate solutions
All maximum ventilation climate solutions
Total control over the entire egg flow
Accurate and reliable egg counting
Detecting leaking eggs
Automatic and objective egg sorting
Connect the full Egg Way
On-farm hatching
Effective feeding of broilers
All egg packers
Automatic egg selection
Contactless sexing
Measure G-forces
Rearing layers
We are here for you
The success of your rearing hens depends not only on their quality but also on how well they adapt to their new surroundings in your aviary system. Managing your flock in the early stages is crucial. Starting your layers off on the right foot will lead to future success without worries about floor eggs, delivering higher-quality eggs and reduced labour stress for you.
Our poultry specialists have seen it all and can guide you in managing your house. Whether you are new to the poultry farming or a seasoned farmer looking to benefit from the experience from others.
Our Perfect Start for rearing layers packages are designed to assist you in the best possible way right from the start. By investing in these packages now, you will set your layer house up for long-term success.
Choose from a range of options that cater to your specific needs, whether it's remote guidance or hands-on support. Our dedicated team is always ready to provide timely and reliable help, no matter where you are.
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Poultry Speciailst
Think ahead with poultry people.
We develop animal friendly poultry systems while preserving the planet.
© Vencomatic Group