Ovograder-30-(1) Ovograder-30-(2) Ovograder-20-(1)
Ovograder-30-(1) Ovograder-30-(2) Ovograder-20-(1)


Achieve accurate grading of hatching eggs based on weight. Increase uniformity in chick sizes by automatically removing unqualified eggs from the batch resulting in increased hatchability. Operators can easily create up to four classes of eggs, optimizing the setters for maximum efficiency. 

Increase hatchability

This electronic weighing system eliminates manual errors, ensuring accurate classification of eggs according to set criteria.  

The compact design seamlessly integrates into the hatchery line, allowing eggs to be sorted effortlessly within the same weight range. Statistical information such as the number and percentage of eggs in various weight classes is provided. 

With rollers facilitating egg movement through the handling system, quality inspection is made easy. Eggs are visually inspected from all sides detecting potential defects in each egg. Poor-quality eggs are manually removed, improving overall hatchability. 

Keen to learn more about this product?
Arjan Vervoort

Product Manager

Contact Arjan

Key features

  • Enhanced precision with only a 0.5 gram margin of error in egg weight measurement
  • Flexible output with 4 sorting options improving efficiency
  • Greater chicken uniformity and hatchability thanks to enhanced sorting effectiveness

Vencomatic Group -  key features



Video Ovograder

Confidence in the future with the egg packer

In the family business Wessels-Vetker, Sander Vetker already represents the third generation. His grandfather Henk Wessels (87) already had a breeding farm for parent animals and Sander (25) still does, together with his father Frits Vetker (57). 

"With the installation of Prinzen we hardly ever have any problems."

Sander Vetker

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