Precision poultry farming

Smart management

In today’s world, automation and data collection, combined with Artificial Intelligence, enable smart decision-making across nearly every industry. We believe that with our Meggsius solutions, you can unlock the genetic potential of every bird and every flock.


Benefits for both animal and farmer

Learn more about unlocking the genetic potential of your chickens, and increasing profitability.

New data-driven technologies

Automation is already known, whether it’s about semi- or fully automated processes. What is mostly new is the data-driven technology. These technologies gather valuable insights which can improve your business. The better you know your birds, processes and overall management, the better you can anticipate and sometimes even be ahead of problems.

Keen to learn more about this subject?
Dennis Hoeks

Product Manager

Contact Dennis
Solution detail - Precision farming (1)

Data collection

Daily help

Gain valuable insights of your birds and their activities within the house to enhance your daily management. The award-winning, fully automated, Meggsius systems not only save you time and labor but also continuously collect important data. This data can be crucial, such as identifying areas in the nest where no eggs are being laid. Early detection of such issues allows you to take timely action, making a significant difference.

Meggsius (3)
What's happening in a poultry house
Watch the Meggsius video
Solution detail - Precision farming (2)

Smart farming

How to start?

Starting with automation and data collection can feel daunting for some, as it ventures into unfamiliar territory. However, once you understand how it operates and see it in action, the benefits become clear. Understanding the collected data is crucial, as it allows you to leverage it to enhance your management practices.

Engage with other farmers, explore our customer stories, or reach out to us with any questions you may have.

Ask your questions to an expert
2021-12-07 19_00_30-Meggsius-systeem geeft Van Haandel meer rust - Boerderij
Experiences with precision poultry farming
Read the story of Joan van Haandel

Stories from the field

The best insights into how our Meggsius solutions work come from the farmers who use data already in their daily management.

Matt Vane (3)

Meggsius provides information before symptoms occur with the flock

Matt Vane is a proud poultry farmer in Chilliwack, Canada. Despite the fact that he was never a tech guy or into computers, he likes working with the web based interface of Meggsius.

'We are now in the phase that we can start using information from the data, but it’s still a work in progress. We can monitor the behaviour of the chickens in the barn: which areas do they avoid and why. We want to learn more about the chickens in order to farm better. The data is easy to track, compare and learn.'

Matt Vane

Poultry farmer

Customer story_Hoste_Vencomatic Group

Collecting eggs with Meggsius saves a lot of labour

The Meggsius family allows Koen and Annelies to see 24/7 (from a distance) how many eggs have been laid and their quality. They can react quickly and appropriately to changing situations.

'If we see in the data that fewer eggs are being laid in a certain part of the house, we investigate what we can do about it, such as adjusting the ventilation. Thanks to the data, we have better insight into this. We quickly see what we can improve.'

Koen Hoste

Poultry farmer

Precision poultry farming

Filter resultaten


Title Date system
Meggsius Control

Operating a smooth, consistent and fully automated egg collection process by controlling the capacity and speed.

  • Layers and breeders
  • Creating stress-free egg collection
  • Optimizing capacity 



MeggsiusControl Precisionfarming
Meggsius Count

Automatically egg counting without double counting, even in dark and dusty environments.

  • Layers and breeders
  • Accurate egg counting
  • Reliable data and insights 



MeggsiusCount Precisionfarming
Meggsius Detect

Early detection of leakers prevents further contamination of other eggs.

  • Layers and breeders
  • Cleaner eggs
  • No contamination of the packers 



MeggsiusDetect Precisionfarming
Meggsius Select

Safeguarding, objective and consistent grading and sorting of eggs by a fully automated process.

  • Layers and breeders (soon hatchery)
  • Objective and consistent grading and sorting
  • Award winning innovation

 figan-mejora INNOVSPACE-2024-3-etoiles_allongé  Free-Range-Awards-2023-Meggsius Select


MeggsiusSelect Precisionfarming
Meggsius Connect

Unparalleled access to data from the egg collection process, anytime and anywhere.

  • Layers and breeders
  • Enhanced efficiency
  • Better resource management

figan-mejora  INNOVSPACE-2024-3-etoiles_allongé 


MeggsiusConnect Precisionfarming