Gregg-(4) Gregg-(11) Gregg-(6) Gregg-(12) Gregg-(15)
Gregg-(4) Gregg-(11) Gregg-(6) Gregg-(12) Gregg-(15)

Gregg Smart Eggs

What if you could reduce eggshell damage up to a factor of 10! As hens age, the quality of their egg shell becomes weaker and more delicate. During automatic egg collection, packing and transport eggs are exposed to G-forces, mainly at transition points that can cause the egg shell to crack.

Prevent cracks, use the Gregg smart eggs.

How does it work?

The Gregg smart egg is an electronic egg full of sensors registering G-forces across all transition points from nest to tray.

Scientific research* in layer hens has shown that decreasing G-forces down to 20 G can reduce the crack occurrence from 7.7% to 0.3 - 1%. Studies** have also shown that hairline cracks in hatching eggs can result in 40% less hatchability.

With the Gregg you can easily identify those transition points that cause unnecessary damage to the eggs. Once identified you can have the problem fixed! 

*Van Mourik, S, Alders BPGJ, (2017) Predicting hairline fractures in eggs of mature hens (513448) Wageningen University Farm Technology Group
**Barnett et al., 2004
Keen to learn more about this product?
Dennis Hoeks

Product Manager

Contact Dennis

How to use Gregg Smart Eggs



Our Poultry Specialists have created a handy guide on how to use the Gregg Smart Eggs. From setting up and using the app to preparing for measurements; this guide will take you into the world of Gregg Smart Eggs.

How to use Gregg Smart Eggs
Gregg Smart Eggs instruction video