A strategic partnership for the Norwegian poultry market
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On-farm hatching
Effective feeding of broilers
All egg packers
Automatic egg selection
Nest and aviary systems
Nest and aviary systems
Rearing systems
Various system enhancements
Solutions for manure handling
Simple, compact and flexible egg collection
Gentle egg handling and packing
Data driven egg collection
All minimum ventilation climate solutions
All maximum ventilation climate solutions
Total control over the entire egg flow
Accurate and reliable egg counting
Detecting leaking eggs
Automatic and objective egg sorting
Connect the full Egg Way
On-farm hatching
Effective feeding of broilers
All egg packers
Automatic egg selection
Contactless sexing
Measure G-forces
Rearing layers
We are here for you
In-ovo sexing
Fully automated, contactless sex classification within the eggs by day 12 of embryonic development. Accurately categorizing eggs as female, male or clear.
Determine the sex of the fertilized egg in a contactless way, taking animal welfare to the next level and preventing male chick culling.
In partnership with Orbem, over 60 million eggs have been scanned and classified using Genus Focus in hatcheries across Europe. This happened within the first two years of its market introduction. The Genus Focus enables non-invasive in-ovo sexing through MRI and AI technologies, suitable for all egg colors and poultry breeds - without affecting hatchability or chick development. As Vencomatic Group we strive to bring solutions that enhance animal welfare and improve operational efficiency to our customers as we see this crucial steps towards a more future-proof poultry sector.
Product Manager
We determine the sex of the embryos contactless, fast and we keep the entire eggshell intact while doing so, all within just 1 second. This is achieved by combining MRI technology with deep learning (DL) algorithms, which accelerate MRI far beyond the speeds of medical MRI. DL analyzes the MRI images of eggs and classifies them based on anatomical differences. Since these differences are independent of the chicken breed, the technology can sex any breed of chicken.
'We selected the Genus Focus for several reasons: it's non-invasive, which was very important for us, it works for white and brown eggs and it is scalable'
Managing Director hatchery
Pain perception studies
Everything we do must be well-researched and substantiated. The Genus Focus for in-ovo sexing is no exception on this. A study commissioned by the German government/BMEL concludes that pain perception up to and including day 12 of hatching is highly unlikely. We are confident that the Genus Focus positively contributes to early sex determination, making the industry more animal-friendly. The Genus Focus helps prevent male chick culling an does not harm embryonic development.
Analysis of cardiovascular responses to a mechanical noxious stimulus.
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Embryonal development of electroencephalic neuronal activity in-ovo as a prerequisite for nociception.
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Analysis of movements before and after application of a noxious stimulus.
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Frequently asked questions about Genus Focus for in-ovo sexing including the answers.
Contact us
Our combined solution, including end-to-end automation equipment, can be installed within 16 x 10 m2 at 12,000 eggs/hour.
We have installations in France, Germany and in the Netherlands.
Yes, our solution is designed to operate in any hatchery environment.
Only one operator is required for up to 8 modules in parallel. They need to handle the automation equipment on a daily basis and receive a one-week training for using the entire system, including automation, Genus Focus MRI and IT equipment.
Our solution incorporates third-party supply chain verification through the KAT Prüfsystem. You can confidently trace every egg and flock back to its source, ensuring industry standards and regulatory compliance.
We can deliver a full end-to-end solution within 8-10 months and are working with our suppliers to accelerate delivery times.
Yes, our modular design and end-to-end solution can work with all setter trays in the market.
The ones who can tell best how the in-ovo sexing solutions work, are the farmers who work with it on a daily basis.
Ter Heerdt and Verbeek, both leading international suppliers of day-old chicks and pullets for the laying hen sector, have decided to install the Genus Focus for in-ovo sexing at their hatchery in Babberich, the Netherlands.
'This installation is in line with our vision of an animal-friendly and future-oriented production of day-old chicks for the European market. Moreover, the combination of MRI and AI integrates well with our processes, and we anticipate further leveraging this technology in our hatchery'
Jos Eringfeld
Managing Director of Ter Heerdt
Pluriton, located in Bladel, is a hatchery where the Genus Focus is installed. They receive the eggs from breeding farms and place these on pre-breeding trays. Once they are transferred, they are disinfected and placed in the storage room. After determining the sex, the final stage of the hatching process arrives: the hatch.
'We need that predictability to deliver on our customers' demands. Within one second we know what is inside the egg, without any human interference'
Corné Verwijs
Operations Manager Hatcheries Pluriton
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We develop animal friendly poultry systems while preserving the planet.