The ECO Air Care system
This low-emission barn system starts working the moment fresh outside air reaches the unit, by conditioning this air before it enters the poultry house. Without external energy soures, the ECO Air Care system cools or heats the air entering the unit. The unit thus creates a comfortable, constant indoor climate, optimal for both animals and humans. View the animation.
Natural chicken behaviour
Scratching and dust bathing in litter is natural chicken behaviour. This releases ammonia (is mainly nitrogen) and particulate matter into the air inside the poultry house. The ECO Air Care system removes these substances through ventilation, ensuring optimum air quality; better for the chickens' health and welfare. The outgoing air from the poultry house is "washed" in the ECO Air Care system to minimise environmental pollution, including nitrogen. The acidified washing water contains dissolved nitrogen. We call this drain water. Through the ECO Air Care unit, this is discharged to a storage silo.
24/7 measuring
The ECO Air Care system ensures a continuous supply and removal of air to keep the quality of the poultry house climate as optimal and constant as possible. Of course, it is important to ensure that the outgoing air is as clean as possible. That is why it is measured in three independent ways, 24/7. Through these measurements, it proofs conclusively that the nitrogen captured is dissolved in the drain water and that up to 90% cleaner air is released into nature.