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Heat exchangers simplify poultry manure removal for farmers

Written by Vencomatic Group | Oct 9, 2023 2:07:15 PM

For poultry farmers, one of the biggest challenges they face is handling manure. Their day-to-day operations generate a significant amount of manure that needs to be stored, transported, and disposed of properly. Fortunately, the use of heat exchangers in layers is a practical solution that can help make manure removal easier for poultry farmers. In this blog, we’ll explore the benefits of using heat exchangers in layers, and how an innovative product like the Agro Supply ECO Unit can help farmers maximize the use of their manure resources.

Water is one of the primary components of manure, and it can be a source of headache for poultry farmers. The more water the manure has, the larger the volume/weight and the more difficult it is to store and transport. Using heat exchangers in layers can help reduce the volume of water in manure and make it easier to handle. The heat exchanger works by evaporating the moisture in the manure, leaving behind a dry and more manageable material. This process helps reduce the weight and volume of the manure, making it cheaper and easier to transport and store.

Another benefit of using heat exchangers in layers is that it can increase the value of the manure. Poultry farmers can sell their manure to power plants as biofuel, which can generate a significant amount of revenue. The less water there is in the manure, the higher its energy content and the more valuable it becomes. By using heat exchangers in layers, poultry farmers can increase the energy content of their manure and, consequently, earn more from its sale.

The ECO Unit is a state-of-the-art heat exchanger which improves the quality of the manure by removing the moisture. With the use of heat exchangers in layers, poultry farmers can opt for a more sustainable and eco-friendly farming operation. By reducing the volume of water in manure, farmers can minimise the amount of waste they generate, which can have a positive impact on the environment. They can also save on transportation costs, and maximise the value they earn from selling their manure as biofuel.

In summary, using heat exchangers in layers can be a practical solution for poultry farmers in handling manure. By reducing the water content of manure, farmers can have an easier time storing and transporting it, and earn more from its sale. The ECO Unit by Agro Supply is an efficient and innovative system that can help poultry farmers. As the world continues to embrace eco-friendliness, using heat exchangers in layers is an excellent way for poultry farmers to move towards a more sustainable and profitable farming operation.

Download our whitepaper and learn about additional feed saving benefits an ECO Unit brings to your layer farm; an average saving of 6 grams of feed per hen, per day!