Header slider VMG - Cage-free (3)

Natural behaviour leads to greater yields

In cage-free systems, the behaviour of the birds determines the management

Cage-free environments

Manage your hens effectively, even when they are moving around freely

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Cage-free environments

Manage your hens effectively, even when they are moving around freely

Dive into cage-free
Header slider VMG - Prinzen

A safe travel for your eggs

Ensure the hen’s hard work doesn’t go to waste! Use the right equipment to safeguard the eggs throughout their journey.


Efficient and gentle egg handling is crucial; from hatchery automation to table egg collection.

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Efficient and gentle egg handling is crucial; from hatchery automation to table egg collection.

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Header slider VMG - Meggsius

Precision poultry farming

Generate insights to unlock the genetic potential of every bird and every flock

Smart management

Unlock the genetic potential of your chickens and increase profitability

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Smart management

Unlock the genetic potential of your chickens and increase profitability

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Vencomatic - Slide22

Your success is our priority

Unlock your birds' genetic potential

Did you know that investing in our housing equipment, egg packers, or climate solutions only accounts for an average of 7% of the cost price of an egg?

However, this 7% can positively influence the remaining 93% of the cost, improving your business operations and yield through smart technologies.  🥚📈

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Meggsius Family - Meggsius Connect (2)

Data, anytime and anywhere

Use data to optimise profitability

The award-winning, fully automated Meggsius systems collect crucial data, available 24/7 via the Meggsius Connect Dashboard.

This valuable data can help you with such things as the early detection of problems, such as identifying areas in the nest where no eggs are being laid or understanding deviations in egg weight, allowing you to intervene promptly and improve performance and profitability.

The Meggsius Connect integrates seamlessly with the Meggsius CountMeggsius Control, and the award-winning Meggsius Select.

Meggsius Connect User Case EN_frame
Discover how data helps our customers.
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Innovation meets sustainability

With an ever-expanding world population, there are more and more mouths to feed. The growing demand for affordable protein like chicken and eggs will require the poultry sector to keep up with this pace. We are committed to carefully blending our goals around animal well-being, sustainability, and operational excellence with our drive to innovate.


Lotte van de Ven

CEO Vencomatic Group

Our promise

Animal welfare

We will always develop our products based on a thorough understanding of the bird, her well-being, and her precious eggs.

Operational excellence

We will gather insights from poultry farmers worldwide to closely align with their requirements in running a profitable business effectively.

Farm of the future

We will craft the future based on data, helping our customers reach the maximum potential out of every bird, every flock and every farm.

Our Egg Way

From the very first moment an egg is laid until it reaches its final destination, it travels a long and tough journey. We understand this journey every step of the way and work towards the best solutions across the 'Egg Way'. 


Poultry housing equipment: our Vencomatic and Van Gent ranges provide safe, comfortable, and stimulating environments for poultry to live and thrive in. Egg collection and handling equipment: with Prinzen, we streamline the egg collection process, ensuring that each egg is treated with the care it deserves, from nest to packing.
Climate solutions: through Agro Supply we offer climate control solutions designed to create the optimal indoor conditions for poultry, fostering healthy growth and production.
Precision farming with Meggsius:
these cutting-edge solutions combine data and poultry farming to the next level. Moving into predictive precision farming, maximizing the potential of every bird, every flock, and every farm.


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Events - Vencomatic Group (2)







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Yasmine Hammamet









"A huge amount of peace has been achieved. We save a lot of time and the stress is also gone. The human actions now happen automatically.”

Koen & Annelies Hoste

Broiler breeder farm in Belgium

3 poultry houses with 58,500 hens and males

Read how Meggsius Select positively impacted their daily operations